Can You Put Rubber Gloves in the Dryer? The Do’s and Don’ts of Glove Care

In both households and various industries, rubber gloves have become an indispensable tool. Whether it’s for cleaning, medical procedures, or protection against chemicals, these gloves serve a multitude of purposes. With their frequent use, it’s only natural that they get dirty and need cleaning. After washing, the next logical step is drying. But here arises a common question: Can you put rubber gloves in the dryer? The answer to this question is crucial, as the way we dry these gloves can impact their longevity and effectiveness.

What are Rubber Gloves?

Rubber gloves are protective hand coverings made primarily from rubber materials, designed to offer a barrier against contaminants, chemicals, and other potential hazards. Their primary function is to protect the hands while also allowing for dexterity and tactile sensitivity. There are various types of rubber gloves available, each tailored for specific uses:

  • Latex Gloves: Made from natural rubber latex, these gloves are flexible and offer excellent tactile sensitivity. However, they can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Construction Informer provides more insights into the care and maintenance of latex gloves.
  • Nitrile Gloves: These are synthetic rubber gloves known for their resistance to chemicals and punctures. They are a popular choice in medical and industrial settings due to their durability and hypoallergenic properties.
  • Vinyl Gloves: Made from synthetic materials, these gloves are a cost-effective alternative for short-term tasks but offer less elasticity than latex or nitrile.

it’s not recommended to put rubber gloves in the dryer. The heat can damage the rubber, causing it to become brittle or lose its elasticity. Instead, it’s best to let rubber gloves air dry to maintain their shape and functionality.

Potential Risks of Drying Rubber Gloves in a Dryer

Rubber gloves, whether made of natural latex or synthetic materials like nitrile, have specific care requirements to maintain their structure and functionality. Drying them in a machine dryer poses several risks:

  • Nature of Rubber and Heat Reaction:
    • Rubber is inherently sensitive to high temperatures.
    • Exposure to the intense heat of a dryer can cause the rubber to become brittle or lose its elasticity.
    • Over time, this can weaken the glove, making it less effective as a protective barrier.
  • Possible Deformation or Damage:
    • The tumbling action of a dryer, combined with the heat, can cause rubber gloves to lose their shape.
    • This deformation can make the gloves uncomfortable to wear or even render them unusable.
    • In some cases, the gloves might also develop cracks or tears, compromising their protective function.
  • Risk of Reducing the Glove’s Lifespan:
    • Regular exposure to the high heat of a dryer can accelerate the wear and tear of rubber gloves.
    • This means you’ll need to replace them more frequently, leading to increased costs in the long run.


Can I put my gloves in the dryer?

While some gloves, especially those made of fabric, can be put in the dryer, it’s not recommended for rubber gloves. The heat can damage the material and reduce the gloves’ lifespan.

How do you dry rubber gloves?

The best way to dry rubber gloves is to let them air dry. After washing, shake off excess water and hang them in a well-ventilated area. Ensure they are not exposed to direct sunlight, as UV rays can degrade the rubber.

Can I put rubber in the dryer?

It’s generally not advisable to put rubber items in the dryer. The heat can cause rubber to become brittle, lose its elasticity, or even melt.

Can you put rubber gloves in the washer and dryer?

While you can wash rubber gloves in the washer using a gentle cycle, it’s not recommended to put them in the dryer. Air drying is the safest method to ensure they maintain their shape and functionality.

Proper Care and Maintenance of Rubber Gloves

Rubber gloves are essential tools for many tasks, and proper care can extend their life and effectiveness. Here are some guidelines:

  • Importance of Hand Washing Rubber Gloves:
    • Always wash rubber gloves after use to remove contaminants.
    • Use mild soap and warm water, scrubbing gently.
    • Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues.
  • Alternative Drying Methods:
    • Air Drying: The most recommended method. Hang the gloves in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.
    • Using a Towel: Pat the gloves dry with a clean towel to remove excess water, then let them air dry.
  • Tips for Ensuring the Longevity of Rubber Gloves:
    • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
    • Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents that can degrade the rubber.
    • Check for signs of wear or damage regularly and replace gloves that show signs of deterioration.


Rubber gloves are invaluable for protection in various tasks. However, their effectiveness is closely tied to their condition. Proper care and maintenance are crucial, not just for the gloves’ longevity but also for the safety of the user. While modern conveniences like dryers can be tempting, it’s essential to balance this with the need to maintain the integrity of the gloves. Proper care ensures that the gloves serve their purpose effectively and safely.

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