Best Scroll Saws in 2023

Woodworking enthusiasts, gather ’round! Today, we’re diving into the captivating world of scroll saws. These nifty tools are the unsung heroes of woodworking, capable of intricate cuts and designs that can transform ordinary wood into works of art. But hold on tight because choosing the right scroll saw is the compass on this creative journey. It’s the key to unlocking precision, efficiency, and your woodworking dreams. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and explore the importance of selecting the perfect scroll saw!

Here Are the Best Scroll Saws in 2023

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Best Scroll Saws Buying Guide

Understanding Scroll Saws

A. What is a Scroll Saw?

Imagine having a magic wand for intricate woodworking, and you’re close to understanding what a scroll saw is. This versatile tool is designed to make precision cuts in various materials, primarily wood. It’s the artisan’s best friend when it comes to crafting intricate designs, curves, and detailed patterns. A scroll saw consists of a thin, vertical blade that moves up and down at high speeds. Craftsmen use it to create everything from delicate fretwork to detailed jigsaw puzzles.

The primary function of a scroll saw is to provide an incredibly precise and controlled cutting experience. Unlike other saws, it allows for intricate interior cuts without the need to drill pilot holes, making it indispensable for crafting fine wooden art pieces. From cutting letters and shapes to making marquetry and intarsia designs, a scroll saw is the go-to tool for anyone who values precision in woodworking.

B. Types of Scroll Saws

Scroll saws come in a variety of flavors, each tailored to meet specific needs:

  1. Stationary Scroll Saws: These heavy-duty machines are ideal for professional woodworkers who require consistent performance. They usually feature larger worktables and can handle thicker materials.
  2. Portable Scroll Saws: If you’re a hobbyist or have limited workshop space, portable scroll saws are your best bet. They are smaller, lighter, and more budget-friendly, making them perfect for beginners.
  3. Corded and Cordless Scroll Saws: Corded models provide continuous power, while cordless ones offer the flexibility to work anywhere without being tethered to an outlet. Cordless scroll saws are a game-changer for outdoor projects.

C. Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Precision: Scroll saws are unmatched in their ability to make intricate cuts with utmost precision.
  • Versatility: They can cut a wide range of materials, not just wood. Think plastics, metals, and even leather.
  • Minimal Waste: The thin blades result in minimal kerf (material removed during cutting), reducing waste.
  • Safety: With minimal kickback and reduced chance of blade binding, they are safer to use than many other saws.


  • Limited Depth: Scroll saws are not designed for thick cuts; they excel in detail work.
  • Noise and Vibration: Depending on the model and setup, they can produce some noise and vibration.
  • Learning Curve: Achieving masterful precision takes practice, and beginners may need some time to hone their skills.

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s delve deeper into what makes a scroll saw the ultimate tool for your woodworking projects.

Key Features to Consider

A. Blade Type and Tensioning

When it comes to scroll saws, the blade is the star of the show. The type of blade you choose and how well it’s tensioned can make or break your woodworking masterpiece.

Picture this: you’re crafting a delicate wooden filigree, and your blade keeps wandering off-course. That’s where blade type matters. Different blades are designed for various tasks – from intricate fretwork to straight-line cuts. Take the time to understand your project’s needs, and choose a blade that matches the intricacy of your design.

Now, onto tensioning. Imagine trying to play a guitar with loose strings – the result would be a cacophony. Similarly, a poorly tensioned blade will lead to imprecise cuts and a frustrating experience. A good scroll saw allows you to fine-tune the blade’s tension, ensuring it’s tight enough to stay on track but not so tight that it snaps. It’s the tightrope walk of woodworking, and it’s crucial for precision.

B. Throat Size and Depth of Cut

Think of the throat size as the scroll saw’s version of “reach.” It’s the distance from the blade to the back of the saw’s throat, and it significantly impacts your project’s versatility.

A smaller throat size limits the size of materials you can work with, while a larger one opens up a world of possibilities. For intricate, small-scale projects, a smaller throat may suffice, but for larger designs, you’ll want room to maneuver.

Depth of cut is equally vital. It determines how thick of a material your scroll saw can tackle. Whether it’s a delicate veneer or a chunky block of wood, understanding your depth of cut ensures your project turns out as intended.

C. Speed Control

Ever tried to control a sports car with only two settings: stop and full throttle? It’s not a pleasant experience. Similarly, a scroll saw with fixed speed can hinder your woodworking finesse.

Variable speed control is a game-changer. It allows you to adjust the blade’s speed according to the material you’re working with and the intricacy of your design. Slow it down for intricate curves and speed it up for straight cuts. This flexibility is a must-have for achieving precision and preventing mistakes.

D. Table Size and Material

Think of the table as your workspace. Its size and material directly affect your comfort and project stability.

A larger table provides ample space to support larger workpieces, making your cuts more accurate and safe. Plus, it’s a bonus if you’re working on sizable projects or need extra room to maneuver.

Material matters too. A sturdy, flat table ensures your workpiece stays in place, reducing the risk of wobbling or inaccurate cuts. Look for tables made of materials like cast iron or steel for the best stability and durability.

E. Vibration and Noise

Woodworking is a harmonious blend of art and science, and excessive vibration and noise can throw that harmony off-key.

Vibration isn’t just annoying; it can affect the precision of your cuts. A scroll saw with low vibration ensures that your hand remains steady, resulting in cleaner, more accurate lines.

As for noise, a quieter scroll saw is not just a blessing for your ears but also for your focus. You can work comfortably for longer periods without the constant drone of a noisy machine distracting you. Plus, it’s a courtesy to your neighbors if you have a shared workspace.

In a nutshell, the right scroll saw will make your woodworking experience smoother, more precise, and downright enjoyable. Pay attention to these key features, and you’ll be well on your way to crafting stunning wooden wonders.

How to Choose the Right Scroll Saw

So, you’re ready to dive into the world of scroll sawing, but the question is, how do you choose the right scroll saw for your needs? Let’s break it down into three essential steps that will have you crafting intricate designs in no time.

A. Determine Your Needs

Before you start browsing through a forest of scroll saw options, take a moment to assess your specific scroll sawing requirements. Are you a seasoned woodworker looking to create intricate fretwork and detailed cuts, or are you a beginner exploring this fascinating world for the first time?

Consider the following factors:

  • Project Complexity: Think about the complexity of your projects. If you’re planning to tackle intricate designs, you’ll want a scroll saw with precise cutting capabilities and a variable speed control to match different materials.
  • Space and Portability: Do you have a dedicated workshop, or is space limited? Smaller scroll saws are more portable and suitable for those with limited workspace, while larger models may offer more power and stability.
  • Noise Level: Some scroll saws are quieter than others. If you’re planning to work in a shared living space or a noise-sensitive environment, look for a model designed for quieter operation.

B. Budget Considerations

Scroll saws come in a wide range of prices, and it’s essential to set a budget that aligns with your needs and expectations. While it’s tempting to splurge on a high-end model, keep in mind that there are excellent options available at various price points.

Here are some budget tips:

  • Entry-Level Models: If you’re a beginner or have a limited budget, entry-level scroll saws can be a great starting point. They offer basic functionality and are perfect for learning the ropes.
  • Mid-Range Models: For those with a bit more experience and a moderate budget, mid-range scroll saws provide a balance of features and performance. They often come with adjustable speed settings and better cutting capacity.
  • High-End Models: If you’re a professional or a dedicated hobbyist, investing in a high-end scroll saw can be worthwhile. These models typically offer advanced features, precision, and durability.

C. Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations

Now that you have an idea of your needs and budget, it’s time to do some research. Reading reviews from both experts and fellow users can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of different scroll saw models.

Additionally, seek recommendations from woodworking forums, social media groups, or colleagues who share your passion for scroll sawing. Hearing about real-world experiences can help you make an informed decision and avoid potential pitfalls.

In conclusion, choosing the right scroll saw involves understanding your specific needs, setting a realistic budget, and doing your homework through reviews and recommendations. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to selecting a scroll saw that suits your skills and unleashes your creativity in the world of scroll sawing. Happy scrolling!

Maintenance and Care

A. Proper Cleaning and Lubrication

Maintaining your scroll saw is like giving it a spa day—it keeps it running smoothly and extends its lifespan. Regular cleaning is vital to prevent sawdust and debris from clogging up the works. A clogged scroll saw can’t perform at its best, and that’s a no-no for any craftsman.

Here’s why cleaning and lubrication matter:

  • Smooth Operation: Dust and debris can gum up the moving parts, causing friction and reducing the saw’s efficiency. Cleaning ensures everything glides like a figure skater on ice.
  • Durability: Just like how a car engine needs oil to run smoothly, a scroll saw’s moving parts need lubrication. It prevents wear and tear, prolonging the tool’s life.
  • Safety: A clean scroll saw is a safer scroll saw. Avoid the risk of overheating or parts jamming while you’re in the creative zone.

Maintenance Tip: Use a brush or compressed air to remove sawdust from nooks and crannies. Lubricate pivot points and moving parts with the manufacturer-recommended oil or lubricant.

B. Blade Changing and Tensioning

Changing a scroll saw blade might seem as intimidating as brain surgery, but it’s a skill that’s worth mastering. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ease your worries:

  1. Safety First: Unplug the scroll saw or remove the battery (for cordless models) to ensure it won’t accidentally start.
  2. Release Tension: Loosen the tension on the blade by turning the tension knob or lever, typically located at the top or back of the saw.
  3. Remove the Old Blade: Carefully slide the old blade out. Be cautious; the blades can be sharp.
  4. Install the New Blade: Slide the new blade through the blade clamp, ensuring it faces the right direction (teeth pointing down). Tighten the tension knob or lever to secure the blade.
  5. Tension Adjustment: Gradually increase the tension until the blade makes a musical note when plucked, usually around 10,000 Hz.
  6. Test It Out: Turn on the saw briefly to ensure the blade tracks properly. Adjust the tension if necessary.

C. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the best scroll saws can hiccup from time to time. Here are some common issues and their quick fixes:

  • Blade Won’t Stay in Place: Check the tension—it might be too loose. Ensure the blade is properly seated in the clamp.
  • Excessive Vibration: Make sure the saw is on a stable surface. Loose bolts or misalignment can also cause vibration—tighten them up.
  • Blade Breakage: If blades are breaking frequently, you might be pushing too hard. Let the blade do the cutting, not your strength.
  • Uneven Cuts: This could be due to a dull blade. Replace it or try adjusting the tension. Ensure the material is flat on the table.

Safety Tips

A. Discuss Essential Safety Precautions

Safety should always be the number one priority, even in the world of artistic woodworking. Here are some essential safety precautions when using a scroll saw:

  • Safety Glasses: Protect those peepers! Always wear safety glasses to shield your eyes from flying debris.
  • Ear Protection: Scroll saws can be noisy. Earplugs or earmuffs are your auditory knights in shining armor.
  • No Loose Clothing: Keep that scarf or baggy shirt tucked away. Loose clothing can get caught in the saw’s moving parts.
  • Keep Fingers Clear: Never place your fingers near the blade path. Use push sticks or other tools to guide the material.
  • Unplug When Not in Use: Whether you’re taking a break or done for the day, unplug the scroll saw to prevent accidental starts.

B. Recommend Safety Gear and Equipment

In addition to the basics, consider these safety gear options:

  • Dust Mask: Protect your lungs from sawdust by wearing a dust mask, especially if you’re working for extended periods.
  • Work Gloves: For added hand protection, consider wearing snug-fitting work gloves.
  • Scroll Saw Stand: Elevate your scroll saw to a comfortable working height to reduce strain on your back.
  • Workshop Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in your workspace to keep the air clean and breathable.

Remember, safety isn’t just a checklist; it’s a mindset. Incorporate these precautions into your scroll saw routine, and you’ll be crafting beautiful projects while keeping yourself out of harm’s way.


A. Answer frequently asked questions about scroll saws.

1. What is the main advantage of using a scroll saw in woodworking?
Scroll saws excel at making intricate, detailed cuts, allowing woodworkers to create beautiful and complex designs that are difficult to achieve with other tools.

2. Can I use a scroll saw for straight cuts too?
Absolutely! Scroll saws are versatile and can handle both intricate curves and straight cuts. Simply adjust the blade and speed to match your project’s requirements.

3. What blade should I use for different materials?
For softwoods and thin materials, use a skip-tooth blade. For hardwoods and thicker materials, choose a standard or spiral blade. Different blades are designed for various purposes, so it’s essential to select the right one for your project.

4. How do I prevent my scroll saw from vibrating excessively?
Ensure that your scroll saw is placed on a stable surface and that all parts are properly tightened. Additionally, using a scroll saw with lower vibration levels will contribute to a smoother cutting experience.

5. What safety precautions should I take when using a scroll saw?
Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from flying wood chips, and consider using a dust mask to avoid inhaling sawdust. Keep your fingers away from the blade, and never leave the machine running unattended.


In the world of woodworking, choosing the right scroll saw is like selecting the perfect paintbrush for an artist. To wrap up this guide, remember that the key to a successful woodworking journey lies in the details. Whether you’re a seasoned craftsman or just starting, here’s a quick recap:

  • Blade Type and Tensioning: Pick the right blade for the job and ensure it’s correctly tensioned for precise cuts.
  • Throat Size and Depth of Cut: Match these to your project’s size and material requirements.
  • Speed Control: Variable speed allows you to adapt to different tasks and materials.
  • Table Size and Material: Opt for a sturdy, spacious table for stability and support.
  • Vibration and Noise: Lower levels of both make for a more comfortable and accurate woodworking experience.

Now, the bottom line: when it’s time to choose your scroll saw, make an informed decision. It’s not just about getting a tool; it’s about investing in your craft. With the right scroll saw by your side, you’ll unleash your creativity and transform wood into artistry. Happy scrolling!