Best Portable Generators in 2023

Imagine a world without power, even for a short time. It’s a scenario that can disrupt our lives in countless ways. Portable generators step in as your reliable power saviors, ensuring you have electricity when you need it most. In this guide, we’ll explore the crucial role of portable generators in providing backup power and shed light on the key factors to consider when making this vital investment. Don’t be left in the dark; let’s power up your knowledge on portable generators.

Here Are the Best Portable Generators in 2023

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Portable Generators Buying Guide

Types of Portable Generators

Portable generators come in different types, each tailored to specific needs and preferences. Understanding these types is crucial when choosing the right one for your requirements.

Inverter Generators:

  • Inverter generators are known for their quiet and efficient operation. They produce clean and stable power, making them ideal for sensitive electronics like laptops and smartphones.
  • Advantages: Quiet, fuel-efficient, lightweight, and produce clean power.
  • Best Use Cases: Camping, outdoor events, and powering sensitive electronics during power outages.

Conventional Generators:

  • Conventional generators, also known as open-frame generators, are workhorses that provide ample power for various appliances and tools. They are reliable but tend to be noisier than inverter generators.
  • Advantages: High power output, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Best Use Cases: Backup power for homes, construction sites, and workshops.

Dual-Fuel Generators:

  • Dual-fuel generators give you the flexibility to use either gasoline or propane as fuel. This versatility ensures you can power your generator even when one fuel source is scarce.
  • Advantages: Fuel flexibility, longer runtime, and eco-friendliness.
  • Best Use Cases: Backup power for homes, extended power outages, and remote locations where fuel options may vary.

Power Output and Capacity

Selecting the right power output and capacity is crucial to ensure your portable generator meets your specific power needs. Here’s why it matters and how to estimate your power requirements:

Significance of Power Output and Capacity:

  • The power output of a generator is measured in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). It determines how many electrical devices and appliances you can run simultaneously.
  • Matching your generator’s capacity to your specific needs prevents overloading, which can damage both the generator and your devices.

Guidance on Estimating Power Requirements:

  • Start by creating a list of essential items you want to power during an outage or at your intended location. Include lights, refrigerators, heaters, and communication devices.
  • Check the wattage or amperage rating of each item. This information is typically found on a label or in the user manual.
  • Add up the total wattage or amperage to estimate your power requirements. Remember to consider starting (surge) wattage for devices like refrigerators, which require more power to kickstart.

Once you have an estimate of your power needs, choose a generator with a capacity that exceeds this total. It’s always better to have a little extra capacity than to risk overloading the generator. This ensures you can comfortably power your essentials without compromising safety or performance.

Fuel Type

When it comes to portable generators, the choice of fuel type plays a crucial role in determining the generator’s performance and suitability for your needs. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of the three most common fuel options: gasoline, propane, and diesel.


  • Readily Available: Gasoline is widely available at gas stations, making it convenient to refuel your generator during power outages.
  • Affordable: Gasoline is typically the most cost-effective fuel option.
  • Easy to Start: Gasoline generators usually start easily, making them user-friendly.


  • Short Shelf Life: Gasoline has a relatively short shelf life, which means you need to use a stabilizer or rotate your fuel supply to prevent degradation.
  • Emission and Smell: Gasoline generators produce emissions and can be quite noisy.
  • Maintenance: They may require more frequent maintenance due to carbon buildup.


  • Clean-Burning: Propane is a clean-burning fuel, resulting in fewer emissions and less carbon buildup in the engine.
  • Longer Shelf Life: Propane has a longer shelf life compared to gasoline, making it suitable for long-term storage.
  • Fuel Flexibility: Propane generators often have dual-fuel capability, allowing you to switch between propane and gasoline.


  • Availability: Propane might not be as readily available as gasoline in some areas, so you may need to ensure a stable supply.
  • Conversion Cost: Converting a generator to run on propane can be an additional expense.
  • Reduced Power Output: Propane generators may have slightly lower power output compared to gasoline models.


  • Fuel Efficiency: Diesel generators are known for their fuel efficiency and can provide longer runtimes.
  • Durability: Diesel engines are robust and designed for long-term use, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.
  • High Torque: They offer high torque, making them well-suited for high-power demands.


  • Fuel Storage and Supply: Like propane, diesel might not be as readily available as gasoline, requiring proper storage and a stable supply.
  • Noise and Emissions: Diesel generators can be noisier and produce emissions, so they may not be the best choice for quiet environments.
  • Initial Cost: Diesel generators are typically more expensive upfront.

When choosing the fuel type for your portable generator, consider factors such as availability, fuel efficiency, environmental impact, and your specific power needs. Each fuel type has its unique advantages and disadvantages, so make the choice that best aligns with your priorities and circumstances.

Portability and Design

Portability and design features are often overlooked but can greatly affect your experience with a portable generator. Let’s delve into why these factors matter and what to look for:

Importance of Portability:
Portability is crucial, especially if you plan to move your generator frequently or use it in different locations. A portable generator should be easy to transport, load into a vehicle, and maneuver around your property.

Handle Design:
A well-designed handle can make all the difference when it comes to portability. Look for generators with sturdy and ergonomic handles that provide a comfortable grip. Some models even have folding handles for more compact storage.

Wheels are a game-changer for moving heavier generators. Check for models equipped with durable and robust wheels, ideally designed to handle various terrains. Pneumatic tires are excellent for rough surfaces.

Overall Construction:
Consider the build quality and materials used in the generator’s construction. Opt for models with rugged frames and corrosion-resistant components, especially if you plan to use the generator outdoors.

Design for Convenience:
Look for thoughtful design features that enhance convenience. This could include a fuel gauge for easy monitoring, an electric start for effortless ignition, and an intuitive control panel.

In summary, portability and design features can significantly impact your experience with a portable generator. Prioritize ease of transportation, durable construction, and user-friendly design to ensure your generator serves you well in times of need.

Runtime and Fuel Efficiency

When it comes to portable generators, two critical factors to consider are runtime and fuel efficiency. These elements can make or break the usability of your generator, and here’s why:

How runtime and fuel efficiency impact usability:

Picture this: a storm knocks out your power, and you rely on your trusty portable generator to keep the lights on and your fridge humming. The last thing you want is to constantly refuel it, right? That’s where runtime comes into play.

Runtime refers to how long your generator can run on a single tank of fuel. Generators with longer runtimes are more user-friendly because they require less frequent refueling, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted power for longer periods. This is especially crucial during extended power outages or when you’re using the generator for outdoor events.

Fuel efficiency is equally essential. It determines how effectively your generator converts fuel into electricity. A more fuel-efficient generator not only saves you money but also reduces your carbon footprint. It’s a win-win!

Tips for maximizing fuel efficiency during use:

  1. Right-sized generator: Choose a generator that matches your power needs. An oversized generator can be less fuel-efficient when running at partial loads.
  2. Regular maintenance: Keep your generator in tip-top shape with routine maintenance. Clean the air filter, change the oil, and inspect spark plugs regularly to ensure optimal performance.
  3. Eco-mode: Many modern generators come with an eco-mode feature that adjusts the engine’s speed according to the load, saving fuel when power demands are lower.
  4. Quality fuel: Use clean, high-quality fuel to prevent clogs and ensure efficient combustion.

Remember, a generator that sips fuel and runs longer will be your best friend in times of need.

Noise Levels and Quiet Operation

Noise levels might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about portable generators, but they can significantly impact your experience with these machines.

Discuss the significance of noise levels in portable generators:

Imagine trying to have a conversation, work, or sleep with a loud generator roaring in the background. It’s not exactly a peaceful scenario, right? Noise levels matter because they affect your comfort and the well-being of those around you.

In residential areas or campgrounds, noisy generators can be a nuisance to neighbors and wildlife. Excessive noise can also lead to stress and fatigue, which is the last thing you want during a power outage.

Highlight quiet operation models and their benefits:

Quiet operation models, often labeled as “inverter generators,” have revolutionized the portable generator game. These generators use advanced technology to produce electricity with minimal noise.

The benefits are clear: you can enjoy the power you need without the headache-inducing noise. Inverter generators are perfect for camping trips, outdoor events, and backup power at home. They’re compact, fuel-efficient, and emit noise levels that won’t disturb your peace or your neighbors.

So, when you’re shopping for a portable generator, remember that silence is golden. Opt for a quiet operation model, and you’ll have power without the unnecessary noise pollution.

Price Range and Budget Considerations

Portable generators come in a wide range of prices, making it essential to find one that matches both your budget and needs. Here’s an overview of price ranges and tips on securing the best value:

Range of Prices:

  • Entry-Level (Under $300): These generators are often smaller in capacity and suitable for basic power needs. They are budget-friendly and ideal for occasional use, such as camping or small DIY projects.
  • Mid-Range ($300 – $800): This category includes generators with moderate power output and additional features like multiple outlets, fuel efficiency, and noise reduction. They are versatile and suitable for home backup power during outages.
  • Premium ($800 and above): Premium generators offer high power output, longer runtime, and advanced features like electric start, remote monitoring, and dual-fuel capability. They are ideal for frequent use and powering a wide range of devices and appliances.

Finding the Best Value:

  • Evaluate your specific power needs and budget before making a decision. Avoid overinvesting in features you won’t use.
  • Consider the long-term cost of ownership, including maintenance, fuel, and potential repairs, when assessing your budget.
  • Look for generators with features that align with your needs. For example, if you need clean power for sensitive electronics, prioritize inverter generators.
  • Compare prices and features from reputable brands to ensure you’re getting the best value for your budget.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Selecting a portable generator from a reputable brand is crucial for a reliable and satisfying experience. Here’s why brand reputation and customer reviews matter:

Importance of Choosing a Reputable Brand:

  • Established brands have a track record of producing high-quality generators and offering good customer support.
  • They invest in research and development to ensure their products meet user expectations, including safety and performance standards.
  • Reputable brands often provide clear warranty terms and reliable parts availability for repairs.

Guidance on Researching and Reading Customer Reviews:

  • Start by researching brands known for producing reliable portable generators, such as Honda, Yamaha, Champion, and Generac.
  • Read customer reviews on e-commerce websites, forums, and independent review sites to gather insights into real-world experiences with specific generator models.
  • Pay attention to reviews that mention reliability, ease of use, and customer support. These factors can significantly impact your overall satisfaction with the product.

In summary, choosing a reputable brand and reading customer reviews can help you make an informed decision when selecting a portable generator. Look for brands with a history of quality and positive feedback from users to ensure you’re getting a reliable tool that meets your power backup needs.

Maintenance and Care

Maintaining your portable generator is like giving it a dose of vitality to keep it running smoothly. Here are some essential maintenance tips to ensure your generator stands the test of time:

  • Regular Inspections: Make it a habit to inspect your generator before and after use. Check for loose bolts, damaged wires, or any signs of wear and tear.
  • Lubrication: Generators, like any machinery, benefit from proper lubrication. Ensure that you lubricate moving parts as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Oil Change: Change the generator’s oil at regular intervals as specified in the user manual. Fresh oil keeps the engine running efficiently.
  • Air Filter: Clean or replace the air filter as needed. A clogged filter can reduce the generator’s performance.
  • Fuel Maintenance: Use clean and stabilized fuel to prevent clogs in the fuel system. If you plan to store the generator for an extended period, drain the fuel tank and carburetor.
  • Battery Care: If your generator has an electric start, check the battery regularly, and keep it charged.

Remember, maintenance isn’t just about extending the generator’s lifespan; it’s also about ensuring it’s ready to perform when you need it most.

Safety Features and Considerations

Safety should always be a top priority when using a portable generator. Here’s what you need to know about safety features and best practices:

Safety Features:

  • Low-Oil Shutoff: Many generators come equipped with a low-oil shutoff feature. It automatically turns off the generator when the oil level is too low, preventing engine damage.
  • Overload Protection: Overloading your generator can lead to damage or even a fire hazard. Generators with overload protection shut down if you exceed their capacity.

Safety Tips:

  • Proper Ventilation: Operate your generator in a well-ventilated area to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas that can be lethal.
  • Keep it Dry: Generators and water don’t mix. Ensure your generator is set up on a dry surface, and use a generator tent or cover if it rains.
  • Grounding: Follow manufacturer guidelines for grounding to prevent electrical accidents.
  • Distance from Structures: Position the generator at least 20 feet away from your home or any other structure to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide entering the building.

Environmental Impact

While generators are lifesavers during power outages, they do have an environmental impact. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Emissions: Gasoline and diesel generators produce emissions, contributing to air pollution. In contrast, propane generators are cleaner-burning and produce fewer emissions.
  • Noise Pollution: Generators can be noisy, disrupting both your peace and the environment. Inverter generators are typically quieter than conventional ones.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: For a reduced environmental footprint, consider solar generators or generators that are certified as environmentally friendly.
  • Proper Disposal: When it’s time to retire your generator, dispose of it properly through recycling programs to minimize its environmental impact.

In conclusion, while generators are essential for power backup, it’s crucial to use them responsibly, prioritize safety, and consider more eco-friendly options when possible to minimize their environmental footprint.


Portable generators can be a lifesaver during power outages and essential for various outdoor activities. However, they also come with their fair share of questions. Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about portable generators and provide answers to clear up any confusion:

Q1: What size generator do I need for my home?

A1: The generator size depends on your power needs. For essential circuits, a smaller generator (around 3,000-5,000 watts) may suffice. For whole-house backup, consider a larger unit (7,000 watts and above) to power all your appliances.

Q2: How do I calculate my power requirements?

A2: Make a list of the appliances you want to power during an outage, noting their wattage. Use an online wattage calculator or consult an electrician to determine your total power needs.

Q3: What’s the difference between inverter generators and conventional generators?

A3: Inverter generators are quieter, more fuel-efficient, and produce clean power suitable for sensitive electronics. Conventional generators are typically more affordable but noisier and less fuel-efficient.

Q4: Can I run a portable generator indoors?

A4: No, it’s dangerous to run a generator indoors due to carbon monoxide emissions. Always place it in a well-ventilated outdoor area.

Q5: How often should I perform generator maintenance?

A5: Regular maintenance is crucial. Change the oil every 20-50 hours of operation, clean the air filter, and inspect spark plugs. Refer to your generator’s manual for a maintenance schedule.

Comparing Top Portable Generators

When it comes to choosing the right portable generator, it’s essential to know your options. Here’s a quick overview and comparison of three popular models to help you make an informed decision:

1. Champion 3800-Watt Dual Fuel Inverter Generator

  • Key Features: This inverter generator runs on both gasoline and propane, providing versatility during fuel shortages. It delivers 3,800 starting watts and 3,400 running watts, suitable for powering essential home appliances.
  • Benefits: The dual-fuel capability ensures you have options during emergencies. It operates quietly, thanks to its inverter technology, and offers clean power for sensitive devices.

2. Honda EU2200i Inverter Generator

  • Key Features: Known for its reliability, the Honda EU2200i delivers 2,200 starting watts and 1,800 running watts. It’s remarkably quiet, making it ideal for camping and backup power.
  • Benefits: Honda generators are renowned for their longevity and fuel efficiency. The EU2200i is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport and store.

3. DuroMax XP12000EH Dual Fuel Portable Generator

  • Key Features: This beast of a generator provides a whopping 12,000 starting watts and 9,500 running watts. It runs on both gasoline and propane and comes with an electric start.
  • Benefits: The XP12000EH is a powerhouse capable of running multiple appliances and tools simultaneously. Its dual-fuel capability offers flexibility, and it’s an excellent choice for extended power outages.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the critical factors to consider when choosing a portable generator for your backup power needs. From understanding the importance of runtime and fuel efficiency to the significance of noise levels, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to make a wise decision.

Remember, selecting the right portable generator can make all the difference during power outages, outdoor adventures, or construction projects. Whether you opt for a quiet inverter generator like the Honda EU2200i or a powerhouse like the DuroMax XP12000EH, ensure it aligns with your specific requirements and provides the peace of mind you deserve.

So, go ahead and power up your life with the perfect portable generator, and never be left in the dark again. Your comfort and convenience are just a generator away!